WarrenTyson.com | TysonConsulting.LLC
Taylor, Mississippi
CR-345, 38673
Authored By: Warren Tyson
Tyson Family
اتبع نعيمك ولا تخف ، وستفتح الأبواب حيث لم تكن تعلم أنها ستكون. إذا اتبعت النعيم الخاص بك ، فسوف تفتح لك الأبوابالتي لم تفتح لأي شخص آخر
Mount Hope...
Taylor Mississippi was my first home until I was 8 years old and then my family moved to Louisville, Kentucky. I grew up with my Grandparents Warren and Cherry Tyson. I had eggs, biscuits with syrup or jelly, bacon and grits(hot cereal) or Corn Flakes(cold cereal) every morning. My Grandmama was a stay at home mom for the majority of her life. But I remember her always working, because being a stay at home mom for 13 kids and a biblical number of grandkids is a full time job, and then some! She never missed making me a breakfast every morning. She never skipped a day to have a clean kitchen. She never missed a day to wash a load of clothes, and I'm not sure how many washer machines we replaced and bought growing up. She never missed as day to make dinner, but she usually never made lunch. I had to fix my own lunch. Lunch was usually left-over breakfast or left-over dinner from the the previous day. I remember loving whatever grandma cooked. There was always a buffet of black-berry pies, peach cobblers, chocolate cakes, apple pies, apple jellies, etc.... I've always had a sweet tooth so the first thing that comes to my mind is desserts. My GrandPa was a Master Farmer so we had any type of fruit that you can imagine. It was Heaven on Earth. My Grandpa had a peach orchard, concord wild grapes, muscadine grapes, apple trees, plum trees, black berries, water melons, cantelopes and so on. I had all the natural sweets I could eat. With all these fruit options my Grandmama mastered making jellies, perserves, jams, and canned fruit. Harvest time was always exciting. My stomach was always full, and I was always sick from eating to much. Although having my fill of natures candy was a major perk of country life, my biggest joy came raising the animals. Imagine Ole Mcdonald's farm and multiply times two, and then you can visualize and understand the types of animals I grew up with. There were chickens, ducks, geese, guineas, goats, dogs, cats, cows, mules, and of course Horses! I would spend the whole day riding horses. Actually, I spent the first 8 years of my life riding horses. My Grandpa used to plow the garden and fields with one or two horses depending on the task, and I rode the horse while Grandpa walked behind the plow. We would go back and forth for hours, up and down, from one end to the other. It would be totally quiet except for the moving of the leather straps and metal links connected to the plow. And there was the smooth sound of the plow gliding through the top soil to cool the plants from the Mississippi heat. There was a rythmic pace to the horses breathing as he effortlessly pulled the plow creating the idea in my mind that life should always be a smooth flow. These are some of the memories that pass my mind from time to time, when I think about growing up in Taylor, Mississippi. Falling alseep on a horse with a mouth full of fruit while plowing the garden. Man, I miss the Country Life....
Related Links
- https://peoplelegacy.com/warren_tyson-3u7O5V
- https://www.facebook.com/Mt.HopeMissionaryBaptistChurchTaylor/
- https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/75-1st-St-75-73-Taylor-MS-38673/114138330_zpid/
- Yocona cemetery, County(Co) Rd 349
- http://taylorms.org/
- Weem's Elementary - County Road 343 or Peddler Field Road, Taylor, MS
Warren Tyson