WarrenTyson.com | TysonConsulting.LLC
Louisville, KY
Mitchell Hill Road Fairdale, 40118
Authored By: Warren Tyson
Float Like a ButterFly...
لطالما منحت الجنون قيمة مقدسة شعرية وقيمة صوفية. بدا لي أنه إنكار للحياة العادية ، ومحاولة لتجاوزها ، والتوسع ،والذهاب إلى ما هو أبعد من حدود الحالة البشرية
Dodgeball Champion!
My family moved to Louisville Kentucy for one year when I was in the 3rd Grade. I had an amazing Teacher, Mrs. Willis. She pushed my academic ability and imagination to the max. I just wanted to come to school and do good, but she wanted excellence. She gave me extra work every day to my frustration. Going to her class was like a fulltime job with no days off and no two week vacation. On top of that, I had to take work home with me at night, Damn.... Mrs. Willis employed a military style of teaching. I don't know if I ever saw the woman smile. She was a good person, but she demanded order and excellence in her class. The fear she put in me lasted my entire academic journey, until I graduated from highschool. And for the first half of 3rd grade I didn't like her. I thought her only purpose in life was to make my brain hurt. And finally one day my frustration and her loss of patience came to a boiling point. She then sat me down and explained that I was one of her favorite students, and that she needed me to push myself to the next level. And from that day on we had a different and geniune relationship that lasted beyond 3rd grade. Even after moving to a new school the next year she would call my mom and check my progess. Mrs. Willis taught me that people have all kinds of strange ways of showing they care about you. 3rd grade was also the year I met my first childhood girlfriend, Michelle Edwards. Michelle had the longest prettiest pig tails in the school. Her hair was always perfectly braided every morning. And as a I think back, I don't remember if I had a choice in being her boyfriend, because initially, I remember she used to pick on me until I finally gave in and became her boyfriend. I also remember being the 3rd grade dodgeball champion. The last two players remaining in the dodgeball match was me and my nemisis. I actually don't remember his name, but I remember he was biggest boy in the class, and we would annoy each other on a daily basis. It was the last play of the match and he threw the ball as hard as he could to make sure that if I tried to catch the ball that it would burn through my chest. He was right, my chest was on fire. I bobbled that ball for a couple seconds until my mind returned to focus. Time stood still and I was in slow motion for about 5 minutes which was really like 2 or 3 seconds until I finally secured the ball and the class erupted. Bam, Game over. My one year in Kentucky overall was a good one. I got to spend the weekends with my Uncle driving to the ACE Hardware store at the bottom of the hill. I met some new personalities, and had some challenging experiences that helped me to grow. This was my first year living outside of Mississippi, and my journey was off to a good start. 4th Grade with Mrs. Kavanaugh in Jasper, Indiana would turned out to be just as interesting....
Related Links
- https://health.usnews.com/doctors/montubua-vasser-smith-327690
- https://www.greatschools.org/kentucky/louisville/704-Fairdale-Elementary-School/
- https://www.pmi.com/
- https://alicenter.org/
Warren Tyson